What we do

Visa and Support

As the ONLY non-degree educational institute that has been authorized to issue Visa Application for Study in China (JW202), SICC provides relevant documents to our FULL TIME students for the need of X-Visa application. SICC also possesses a highly qualified team with multi-cultural competencies who provides counseling and support to students during their study with SICC.

Chinese Courses

We guarantee you:
● Various courses to meet different needs and expectation of Chinese learning;
● Different levels to fit all students;
● Experienced and professional teachers and supporting crew faculty;
● Small-sized classes to allow more value feedback and assessment from your teacher and more effective interaction during classes;
● Multicultural classroom with students from different cultural background.

what they say

Our teachers put a lot of work and time in creating videos, exercises and homework, keeping us busy and motivated, no matter where we are. They do a great job to prepare us for the time when we can finally meet everyone again and having classes as we used to. And now it's the first time in my life, that I can say I'm really looking forward to going back to school.

The online classes are accurately structured and well detailed. Each session allows the students to gradully improve both written and spoken language. One of the most interesting advantage is that it's possible to pause the video and say any passage out loud as many times as needed. In addition, replying not so much on pinyin is very helpful for recognizing characters more and more eaily.
——Rocco Colella

I can recommend SICC to everyone. Not only because of the program and the excellent teachers, but also because of the nice environment and wonderful fellow students.It has been a great experience studying at this school.
——Vanhemel Koen

I would like to thank the Shanghai International College of Culture (SICC) for the student scholarship which would greatly assist me in continuing my studies here in Shanghai.
——Lim Fook Ming (林福明)